November 7, 2008

Dream - The Church's Fear On The Election Results??

Today is the first posting of the HEARING EYES MINISTRIES BLOG. Please feel free to comment while bearing with me on HOW to operate within the this NEW vehicle called a BLOG. Hopefully, I will be able to maneuver around in ease!

I woke from the following dream this morning. (if the Holy Spirit gives you insight, please feel free to share. We all NEED the workings of the entire Body of Christ to receive the FULL picture and interpretation of the mysteries of God through dreams)

DREAM: I am driving my car at the top of the mountain, headed to a banquet at the end of the trip. I am suddenly faced with going down the STEEP mountain road that is VERY NARROW, that of a wide one lane road. I ride the brakes down the road wondering if I will make it when I see 2 cars making their way up the winding road towards me. Some how, some way, supernaturally we pass on the road and I did not go over the edge that I was driving next to. I arrive late to the banquet and take my place to see another late arriving woman as she is served the last plate of food. At the break I approach those who planned the banquet to see if there was any food. No. They were not at all interested in my request. Suddenly though, one stepped forward and took out a piece of meat from the freezer and offered to prepare it for me. I was grateful. The next scene I am asking for help in determining my trip back home. Could I find an alternative route around that same mountain that I knew my car was unable to climb nearly straight up to pass over. They told me it was the only way unless I chose to take a LONG path north and then take a highway south to miss the mountain altogether. It seemed as if that was the choice I would take.

Partial dream interpretation: I believe I may possibly represent the Republican CHURCH BODY praying for the election, faced with the STEEP descent to the bottom from where they have been at the top as President Bush led. Fear is moving upon those for what is ahead. At this lower place the Church WILL participate in the affairs of our country (at the banquet) alongside the ones who will not particularly want to help us out (Democratic CHURCH - the winning side), but will eventually. The road back may seem insurmountable, but a way of escape will be provided.

It is my prayer that we all will find our hope in HIM, who able to do more than we ask or think through the results of this election and as we continue to pray for our new leaders, attempting to walk in unity with the entire Body, asking our Lord for HIS MERCY over the Church and our nation. AMEN.

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